Terms Apply
High Koo
Heroes and Villains
I Hate Music
The way it quickens time
Clowns with Red Buttons
Entertainers in chief
Yala Chala
Peace is an abstract idea. Bread is real.
The Nature Of Light
Like a hot bath for the mind
Training the mind is just as important as training the body(?)
Climbing up the mountain…
Khliff – Mountain Khummus
Long before any nations, borders or governments formed, there were mountains and cliffs and chickpeas
The Office
The office of the slaughterhouse
Matters of Medical Identity
Framing and content advisory
Public Service (Art)
Prayer is a multi-channel sound installation of voices gathered from all the different spiritual practices operating in the host location.
Mermaid In A Car Crash
Public Underwater Entertainment with a Splash of Acoustics
Public Assault (Art)
The difference between art and torture is consent
Digital Distribution of Music for Various Reasons
“Without Music Life Would Be A Mistake.”
חַלּוֹן / ח.קלטוילנסון
בֶּעָתִיד / ח.קלטוילנסון
The beauty of faith Is in the inventiveness of the believer God said to Moses: “Eat this dry bread, it…
Popular Poetry
Here’s what you can expect During beach outing Real story of my mum Can keep you safe Here’s what you…
Propaganda Poetry
Murders: Data shows Biden charity sponsors Trump tax returns Crisis at the southern boarder and wellness tips – Liberal media…
A Branch
I left because I wanted to see the world from a different perspective. I liked what I saw so I…
Music for a Kettle
A song for the boiling water
כְּשֶׁאֲנִי מֵת
שירה לעת זיקנה
Ornithology Is A Birden
A lonely echidna amongst the seagulls. Bruny Island music video
It would have been so peaceful here if it wasn’t for these bloody birds. Chirp, chirp. Calm down. You stressing…
Toilet Dwelling Emperor
On the slopes of breathtaking ridges of wild beauty, where time stopped but also exists in a state of violent change with every gust of westerly wind, I could not bring myself to sing.
The Manuka Myrtle Conference
Notes From a Bruny Island Climbing Adventure
Maria Island All Star Wombat
Despite all the scientific and other evidence on the internet suggesting otherwise, there is a substantial amount of unsubstantiated anecdotal…
The Dark Side of the Sun
The sun issued an intellectual property disclaimer for her light to all the plants in the garden: “The photons provided…
Barry Listens to the Streets
I like talking to Barry. Maybe because he is a backwards thinking, slightly racist, sexist privileged old man with old…
Go South
Music for the white duck. Sound recording of the air vibrations in Cradoc, Tasmania. Recommended with headphones. December 2020 –…
The Moai – Accomplishment in Failure
It was a beautiful and calm evening when we got back to Fortescue bay. The four of us started walking…
The Joy of Trauma
I attended my first war just before my sixth birthday. To a first-grade aspiring astronaut, war was a serious disruption.…
נדודי שינה
יָרֵחַ מֵאִיר