Sourdough Waltz An isolated musical doco following Dr. Dany and her nurtured sourdough starter in a journey from stinky goo…
Why Climb a Rock?
A Letter. Dear Friends, I’m writing in response to the increasing climbing bans in vast areas of the Grampians National…
Saturday, 8 August 2020 Melbourne you’re my home but you feel a little different. Have I been too hard on…
Resurrection (A Night in Vienna)
With complete gravity and solemnity of expression (First Movement) Living in Australia, it is difficult and expensive to visit the…
Sour and Satisfied
Grandpa did not wait for the Messiah Watermelon with Bulgarian cheese Makes time pass like a breeze Patient waiting Helps…
Nina’s Gun
“Whether or not it draws on new scientific research, technology is a branch of moral philosophy, not science”. – Paul…
The Joy of Trauma
I attended my first war just before my sixth birthday. To a first-grade aspiring astronaut, war was a serious disruption.…
About 50 Decisions
The destination is about 20 meters ahead of me.Not far by any stretch of the imagination.I can see the protruding metallic loops at the end sparkling in the sun.In the scheme of things, 20 meters is not much. Roughly between 50-60 steps, progressing vertically on an ancient sandstone rock
Screw the Crew, Screw the Artists Too!
At one of the big international live music festivals I was working in every year for almost a decade, the…
Between the Second and the Third
Journey Planning Thought should be given to what to take on the road and how to get there. The current…