Despite all the scientific and other evidence on the internet suggesting otherwise, there is a substantial amount of unsubstantiated anecdotal evidence suggesting that the wombat biological development is consistent with the evolutionary theory of “survival of the kindest”.
Their survival strategy is to be extremely friendly.
It appears that the common wombat on Maria Island do not understand the concept of a threat.
When approached by a larger creature, the wombat take notice. They lift their gaze slightly from the grass, hop three steps to the side and proceed with eating, in the hope their potential predator change their mind in light of an unexpected pacifistic behaviour.
The wombat is munching the grass with no apparent plan and oblivious to threats. They wobble in the direction of their prospective predator saying “excuse me, you are standing on my food”.
It seem to work for the wombat as the population on Maria Island is prosperous and none of the campers have wombat steaks on their barbecues.
Keep calm, be cute and eat grass is their motto.
The wombat spectacle on Maria can be explored by foot or bicycle. We did both, staying the first night at the main campsite and two nights at the remote Encampment Cove campsite. We hiked to the top of mount Maria and all the way south to Haunted Bay.
On the way back a flat tyre meant pushing the bike for six kilometres to the ferry with all the gear. It also meant I could enjoy the journey for longer and observe the Wombats more closely.
The sound recordings in the video are of the storm waves, the morning and evening bird chorus at Encampment Cove and some random birds on the trail to mount Maria. While waiting for the ferry I recorded the echo in the old silos by the jetty. At the same time, there was a school group exploring the sonic properties of the same silos too.
Their chosen song was a perfect ending for my trip and fine accompaniment to the magical images and sounds of Maria Island.
Thanks to the Launceston Grammar School who not only allowed me to use the recording, but described the encounter as a “magical crossing of paths” and me as a “creative adventurer”.
October 2021