I hate music
The way it quickens time
The way it squeezes innocent hearts
The way it freezes memories of the past
How deceptively it pushes hope
How it makes me forget about the violence
How it makes people believe that a moment is infinitely dense
And magic makes logical sense
We dance
The music moves us
Convincing that nothing is out of reach
As it silence notes of dissent
They looked into each other’s eyes, against a backdrop of palm trees, white sand and turquoise water, or a ruined city with burning cars and sewage flowing free like creeks in black forest of asphalt and debris
A romantic movie scene
With weeping violins
Flavours of the past
Never expire
Foods of joyous childhood
Never rot
Sweet green peas
Soft and fluffy bread
Gastronomic dignity
Is a cultural symphony
A million mouths chewing to the groove
Harmonious sighs of delight
Sips of wine
Gulp and clearing throat
A ceremony
The content overlooked
Lost to ritual
A pleasant wave of feelings
Like music
I hate music