A baby lost their leg
It exploded while a soldier bravely pressed a button
In the name of peace
Years passed
The hero soldier
Became a loved community leader
A father and a farmer of food
The legless baby
Wanted to be a hero like the soldier
Lead his community to freedom and peace
And ensure no babies are ever harmed again
One day the legless baby, who grew up tough in the rubble, limped into the hero’s house at crack of dawn and stabbed his family to death
Except the hero’s son
Who watched the horrors
After the carnage
The legless baby
Took the hero’s son eyes
So the last thing he remembered seeing
Was the suffering of his family
Years passed
The hero’s son is now a soldier
Blindly pressing the trigger on command
He wants to be a hero like his father
And ensure no fathers are ever harmed
He blew up the hospital
Where the legless baby was born
Breeding a new generation
Of brave heroes
And cowardly villains